Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Facts, but dark humor nonetheless...

FM*2 is started to help lower income families have easier access to home loans, passed by a Democratic Congress under Carter...

Democrats repeatedly rejected stricter regulations on FM*2...

GOP Congress and President fail to more strictly regulate FM*2, though they had the votes to do so...

The Democrats won Congress in 2006 because the GOP did little to lead, but much to take for themselves...

The stock market starts to decline months after the Democratic Congress is sworn in...

Democrat in charge of FM*2 repeatedly says "no problem"...

The 110th Congress does nothing for its 2 years that anyone will remember...

The least popular president since Hoover has to wake up both parties (i.e., Congress) to let them know that while they were sleeping, our financial business went awry, heavily due to their actions and subsequent inactions toward FM*2...

Every Congressman in front of a TV camera claims they warned everybody else (including the 2 presidential candidates), but no one led Congress to action...

Except the least popular president since Hoover.

You should be equally concerned about who you are voting to return to Congress as you are about who will be president. This financial crisis had more to do with Congress than any president.