Friday, October 10, 2008

No McCain fan, but...

Why doesn't McCain, every time BO decries the "failed policies of deregulation", point to the fact that this crisis was precipitated by the Democrats' demands for deregulation of the lending industry, so that it was easier and easier for people who otherwise would not qualify for loans to not only get loans, but ones that would eventually default through ballooning interest rates?!?!?  Why doesn't he point out that the decline in the stock market began within months of the Democratic Congress taking the oath of office?!?!?  Why doesn't McCain point out that Obama is nothing new, just a plain Democrat who has voted with his party more than Ted Kennedy, and his party leads the least-liked Congress in recent history?!?!?  Why doesn't McCain articulate the hows and whys of Obama's tax plan being damaging to independent businessmen -- the largest employers in the country?!??!  Right now, it just sounds like a lot of fear-mongering, no details, just scary words.  

McCain's got to do better than he has been doing if there is to be a comeback.  IMHO, McCain has run a poor campaign, and his own liberal views, which have come out in the debates, has done nothing to mobilize conservatives.  If Palin is not ruined by her hanging around these conservative pretenders, and she decides to run in 2012, I might vote GOP again.  But I hope, with her national exposure, she runs third party and accelerates the process of putting these two cancerous parties out of business.
