It was great to have this kind of personal access (even though, through his website, I have corresponded with him many times previously), and being able to do so without getting out and driving somewhere. I hope everyone's Congressperson is doing the same, regardless of their label.
What did I learn? He and I agree on an "all of the above" approach to energy, agree the government needs to reign in its spending and reduce significantly in size (and that the FM bailouts were wrong, WE, the taxpayer, are paying for it), and expand the roadways in Houston to facilitate better traffic flow (use less energy) AND integrate mass transit with these efforts, both bus and rail services. We are both for securing borders as opposed to more immigration legislation.
I further pushed for a focus away from inefficient wind power (about 1% efficient) in favor of more effort for solar (wind requires sustained high winds, whereas we all get sunshine) and tidal energy (very predictable; it's a physics thing), and to convert our automobiles to natural gas, which is cleaner and significantly reduces our dependence on foreign oil. And, many of us could fill up from our homes! I also told him I want a much smaller government and reduced tax burden, but stated HB 24 was too Draconian.